Celemi Cayenne ™

According to statistics, 90% of projects do not fit into the budget and do not meet the deadlines. If you have unsatisfactory project results in terms of budgets and deadlines, you do not know how to select an effective team for the project?

Then Celemi Cayenne™ is your solution.

Celemi Cayenne ™ - is an online business simulation of project activities that can inspire, recruit and prepare project participants to fully participate in future projects with a deep understanding of its critical success factors.

ЧТО такое Celemi Cayenne?

  • Intensive one-day course on project management and working in projects
  • Business simulation on a board with a computer
  • Proven project management methodology

What benefit does Cayenne provide to your organization?

Increases employee engagement and commitment
Establishes proactive behavior among project team members
Improves decision-making processes in projects
Ensures a successful outcome of the upcoming project

Duration and format of business simulation


От 4 до 16 часов

Number of participants

3-6 teams, from 10 to 24 participants

Facilitation format

Training is conducted by certified trainers-facilitators both in offline format and in mixed format (offline+online)

Business simulation materials

Simulation board


Dauren Bespalinov
Business trainer, more than 10 years of training experience
Andrey Basangov
Business trainer, more than 5 years of training experience
Maksat Zhanseitov
Business trainer, more than 5 years of training experience
Adilkhan Nagymanov
Business trainer, more than 5 years of training experience

Official partner in Central Asia