Training for trainers

How to create a successful learning environment in a company? What should it contain? How can employees themselves understand that the company has a learning culture?

The amount of training costs is only an indicator of a company’s readiness to invest in personnel. But in reality, this is just a way to measure financial performance, but not the learning culture and values ​​of the company. To create a learning culture in the company, we offer our solution - School of Trainers. Order Training for Trainers from us and receive Supervision of training participants as a gift.

Training for trainers

Professionals know that in any business there are 20% of investments that provide 80% of the results.

In the course of special research, we have identified key indicators of the behavior of a successful training leader, which ensure success in most cases.

Many years of practical experience have allowed us to create a unique intensive program, which contains all the best strategies and behavioral skills of successful trainers.

The uniqueness of the course is the combination of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, which, with their effective practical application, will make it easy to develop and conduct effective and interesting seminars and trainings.


Dauren Bespalinov
Business trainer, more than 10 years of training experience
Maksat Zhanseitov
Business trainer, more than 5 years of training experience

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